Every time we’ve gone into a bookstore here we’ve come out with piles of books. Today I picked up Kari Sperring’s LIVING WITH GHOSTS; a couple days ago I got Ursula Vernon’s 2nd DRAGONBREATH book and Ted picked up DB Jackson’s THIEFTAKER. Yes, everything we’ve bought on this trip, except at the used bookstore, has been by people we knew. :) And at the used bookstore, I got 3 of the Starbridge novels I foolishly decided to get rid of last year because I knew I was going to buy…
Author: mizkit
Guest Blog: DB Jackson’s THIEFTAKER!
I have in the past mentioned that one of the perks of my job is getting to read early manuscripts for upcoming books. Last year my friend and fellow Magical Words blogger DB Jackson asked if I might read his novel THIEFTAKER, which turned out to be a Revolutionary War era urban fantasy novel. I don’t *normally* send people emails while I’m reading their books, but I sent David at least two or three during the course of reading THIEFTAKER, saying things like “ACK YOU DID WHAT HOLY *CRAP* DUDE!”…
Picoreview: Magic Mike: It was okay. They felt obliged to put an actual story in, which was really unnecessary, and overall it wasn’t anything like as titillating or fun as one might hope. The Full Monty is a much more watchable film. Picoreview: The Amazing Spider-Man: I liked the casting better in this than the other movies, so they would have really had to have screwed it up for me to dislike it. They didn’t really screw it up. Emma Stone was absolutely wonderful as Gwen Stacy, and the rest…
Holiday Blog, Part III
I have remembered that the reason I was so fond of biking in Alaskan summertime is that when biking, unlike when walking, I was moving faster than the goddamned mosquitoes. My goodness, Monday turned out to be a 5K day! Tuesday: At B&N for a Writing Blitz. I have no net connection (deliberately) so I shall keep track of my word wars in the blog. And someone is coming to meet me for lunch at noon, so right now I have…37 minutes to write. Starting a new book, no less,…
Holiday Blog, Part II
I have read TWO BOOKS already. Granted, one was Ursula’s DRAGONBREATH, which is short and has a lot of pictures, but one takes victories where one can. The other is Alethea Kontis’s ENCHANTED. Now, Alethea is this person I met at WFC in Austin several years back. She and Ed Schubert and some others for some reason took pity on me as I was sitting there, pathetic and alone, on the bus to the convention hotel, or maybe at breakfast, or something. I don’t really remember the details, mostly because…