as reported in the war room: mizkit: i have spent the last 45 minutes dreaming i was trying to send you a tweet that i would be in the war room soon, only it being a dream i could not spell @msagara mizkit: but that’s okay, becuses in between trying to do that people noticed i was will smith from men in black. msagara: O.o It could be worse – you could have discovered you were Mel Gibson mizkit: oh, hell, i don’t mind being will smith. i mean, too…
Author: mizkit
My head is going to explode of squee. :) Revisit the world of the Negotiator Trilogy and learn how it all began… Four hundred years ago, the master vampire Eliseo Daisani and the dragonlord Janx fell in love with a human woman during the Year of Miracles–the year London burned. This is her story. Available in fine e-stores everywhere on July 1! *mutter* I love that cover copy, but it needs more to it. *mutter* Tara O’Shea has done herself (and me and my collections!) proud with these covers, I…
attempt #2
at the following: – call EMAIL about boxes – contract – attempt to finish HCW proposal – package up books – finish BYD proofs and 1st attempt at these things: – email faith – email tara – email james – email david …well, I got /some/ stuff done, anyway…
little black spot v olympic torch
We missed the little black spot on the sun today, but I think we saw something pretty darned near as neat: Henry stands with Olympic Torch bearer Brian Brunton, helping him carry the load. I am SO PLEASED with this photo. I took about six, but this was the only one where we got him looking at the camera–because Jedward was just a few feet up the street, and there were jillions of screaming little girls and Henry thought that was Very Interesting. :)
thinks to do today
– haircut – call about boxes – contract – attempt to finish HCW proposal – package up books – finish BYD proofs – ignore the fact that items 4 & 6 are probably fully contradictory to one another – other things as they occur (eta: not a wildly successful day, then…)