off to a start

Young Indiana woke up at 5 and required soothing. After a few minutes I put him back down and we all went back to bed (though I’m not sure Young Indiana ever went back to sleep). Eventually I woke up and said to Ted, “Did the alarm go off?” And Ted said, “I turned it off.” I said, “Are you taking a taxi to work?” Ted said, “It’s okay. I turned it off. It’s 5 after 6.” I said, “Are you going to work today?” Ted said, “It’s Saturday.” I…

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oh hell.

Aghglghlghg. I didn’t have comments turned on, I guess, in the Open Office document, and so I have only just now, after two passes through the NO DOMINION manuscript & working from the revision letter & believing I was finished with revisions, discovered the 79 comments left in-manuscript by my editor. I am not, it seems, done with revisions after all. Alghgghl. Although this certainly explains the otherwise-bewildering lack of commentary in the manuscript, since Matrice usually has loads of good thoughts and things to point out… Guess I won’t…

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a-revising we will go

Got through the first pass of NO DOMINION revisions yesterday, and caused myself to burst into tears near the end. I hope that’s a sign of the book doing what it should rather than me desperately needing more sleep. :) To answer the most-oft asked NO DOMINION question: yes, it will eventually be made available to a wider audience than just the Kickstarter patrons. But I don’t know when or how yet, so I’ll keep you posted when I do. Today I have to rewrite a few scenes, add a…

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hrmph. :)

DINOCALYPSE is pushing NO DOMINION out of the top 5 most-funded fiction Kickstarter projects. I have the absurd, profoundly competitive urge to say OH NO YOU DON’T and run another Kickstarter. And I’m PART of Dinocalypse! (Shutting up & going back to NO DOMINION revisions now. :)) *laughs helplessly* Ah, I see: Twitter is informing me this is the tack I should now be taking: “The way you pitch yourself is now this: “both of the Kickstarter projects I’ve written for cracked the top five.”

Magical Words post!

Mindy Klasky () has a post up at Magical Words about the patronage system, which is full of great questions that I want to steal for my own blog topic right here, but instead I send you there to discuss it! *sends, sends*!