The Word War Room is three years old today. Since I’d hoped, when I started it, that it would last six months, I’m very proud of it, and I’m still so happy at how many people log in and use it regularly to help them focus and get work done. If you want to join the war room as a participant, the above link tells you what it is and how it works. You have to join the Toonowrimo community to get the password, which there is a link to…
Author: mizkit
Due to circumstances beyond my control, I won’t be going to EasterCon this weekend after all. Somehow I vaguely feel this means I should, I don’t know, write a book this weekend instead. Or at least revise one. That’s normal, right? However, perhaps heading off that urge, I bought the Hunger Games trilogy and a bunch of Dick Francis novels I haven’t read yet. And I’m reading Michelle Sagara’s CAST IN CHAOS, which may be my favorite of the Cast books so far, which is saying a lot, since I…
april? o.O
It is April. This makes my little brain confused. I know where March went: into a blitz of sickness and writing. But still: April? o.O Oh, squeak! The SotC Dinocalypse Kickstarter is less than $200 $100 squeak squeak squeak!!!! from me writing a novel for them. I have hopes of it tipping over to $20K before Fred wakes up HOLY SQUEAKING BEANS IT DONE BEEN DOOED! Eee, squee, I get to write pulpy goodness! Eeee!!! thinks to do today: – get juice – make bread – laundry – try to…
picoreview: hunger games, wrath of the titans
Picoreview: THE HUNGER GAMES : Enjoyed it thoroughly. Going to have to read the books to see if the utterly mystifying world building is better explained. Picoreview: WRATH OF THE TITANS : Dramatic but boring. Also, you want to talk about utterly mystifying: they re-cast Andromeda from a brunette to a blonde, and I didn’t remember the character’s name from the first movie so fucked if I could figure out why Perseus the fisherman seemed to have an unresolved relationship with the Greek queen. Ted was hard-pressed to convince me…
*squeaks*! I am so excited about this book. O.O It’s the anthology tie-in to DON’T REST YOUR HEAD, the award-winning horror RPG (now available on Kindle & Nook!) from Evil Hat Productions. I would be excited about it even if I weren’t part of the lineup, because it’s really Evil Hat’s first foray into fiction, and these guys have been my friends for like, ever, so: yes. I would be excited anyway. But I am sort of beside myself because I don’t normally write horror, and Fred knew he was…