Kickstarter Tuesday

I believe I shall declare the 3rd Tuesday of any given month Kickstarter Tuesday, so I can mention all the cool projects I’ve seen lately all at once and not feel like I’m spamming everybody with an OMG LOOKY COOL NEW KICKSTARTER! every few days. So! Still in Progress: The incredible Judith Tarr’s young adult novel revisions project, LIVING IN THREES. It’s crossed $4K and is heading toward $4500, at which number she starts offering up classes advice discussions about world-building techniques. I expect that to be worth the price…

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not dead.

Not dead. Just writing as fast as I can. Not much left to brain with. Will resurface eventually.

process stuff

So Monday I got started on MOUNTAIN ECHOES, book 8 of the Walker Papers. “Got started” means I re-read the first 3 chapters and the synopsis, and while the chapters were fine, I thought, “Wow, this synopsis *really* sucks. *Really* sucks. There are major problems with it.” And then I started to write. And something happened far earlier in the writing than it happened in the synopsis, and I thought, “That’s probably not a bad thing, because the synopsis is so awful,” and by that time I was starting to…

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Repeat Rant

I have another climate change/politics/green rant building, but I do not have time to write it, so I went and looked up my Temper Tantrum Rant of a few years ago and discovered it… …fails to apply to many of the things I want to say, but also manages to, so just go read that and assume I’m still as livid, or possibly more so, than I was that day. The follow-up political manifesto also still applies. The infuriating thing, the really infuriating thing, is that I have no doubt…

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caution, wind, zoo

I threw caution to the wind yesterday and went to the zoo instead of doing, oh, you know. All the household chores. (This resulted in ordering dinner in last night, but hey.) It was a nice day, which mostly means there was neither wind nor rain, and those two things made going worth it. So did Young Indiana asking, “Blanket?” when presented with this display: He was pleased with this chap: but *delighted* with this one, who kept dancing, while Young Indiana said, “Again? Again?! Again!” Watching the gorillas: Ruuunnnniiiiiiinnnnng!