leap day

I have taken a leap* today, in honor of Leap Day. Have you? *Not an actual leap in the physical sense. I did do some cartwheels, though. :)


People are getting and reading their copies of RAVEN CALLS. People are getting to the place where NO DOMINION starts. People are making strangled sounds at me. :) Oh, hey. I’m going to be doing another Gryphon Beach Storytelling Hour soon. Probably on March 10th at 9pm my time/4pm Eastern/12pm Pacific. It’ll be a 90 minute storytelling hour and I’ll tell two or three GB stories in that time. There may or may not be a tip jar this time. – send story to jess – get badge stuff –…

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Kickstartin’ across the universe!

So I have mentioned Judith Tarr (aka ) a time or three on this blog. I met Judy because of our mutual publisher, Luna Books, back when I was a brand-new fledgling author, and she was, well, Judith Tarr, author of a zillion amazing historical fantasies. The first half dozen times I emailed with her, even in the context of the mailing list we were all on, my hands were cold and shaky and my stomach was in knots, because holy crap, what was I doing in the company of…

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I’m afraid that, like with FRANKENSTEIN, my reaction to THE ISLAND OF DOCTOR MOREAU is “Thank God I’ve read that now, because now I never have to read it again.” The two books have more in common than I expected, which is silly, since I know what they’re both about. MOREAU is much more bearable as a read, because the protagonist isn’t nearly as sniveling as Frankenstein is, but the descriptions of pain and vivisection did not make me all that happy. One aspect I did enjoy about both books…

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thinks to do, thinks to do

– put some mustard in my shoe – call UPC – get contacts – call/email/something IWC to talk about how much booze is needed for the book signing – hopefully get a massage – groceries. order groceries. possibly i should do that tonight instead of tomorrow. – write the guest blog! – buy shoes – email anne – buy ink perhaps – edit “20 Years After” – start first revision pass on NO DOMINION