One of the things about being a writer is people sometimes ask that you blurb their books. Sometimes they’re total strangers. Sometimes they’re people you’ve known for fifteen years. Being asked by someone you’ve known forever is far more alarming than a stranger asking you, because both parties are painfully aware that it’s not just a professional relationship riding on the request. It’s a presumption on friendship, and the potential outcome of not liking the book is considerably more agonizing than it is with someone you’ve never met. Furthermore, if…
Author: mizkit
Congratulations to the “No Dominion” Kickstarter patrons, who have funded themselves a novel. The wordcount is currently at 40,200 words and climbing. By SFWA standards, 40K is a short novel, and I figure I’ve got 5-10K left to write. Wow. 15200 / 50000 (30.40%)
Is there a doctor in the house?
Yesterday my brother in law defended the thesis he’s been working on for four years, and recieved his doctorate. There was a champagne party last night, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen my sister or her husband so ebulliant. Apparently his external examiner came in, sat down, said, “This is obviously a novel work, it is obviously worthy of a doctorate, now let’s discuss it. Page one!” and grilled Gavin for five and a half hours, a record for DCU doctorate defenses. Anyway, so we’re all completely thrilled and…
so. tired.
I went out for tapas with YA author Sarah Rees Brennan last night, which was enormously fun. Hanging out with Sarah usually is. She tells stories exactly the same way she writes in her blog, and it’s very very funny, even when she’s talking about awful things. Or possibly especially when she’s talking about awful things. :) Anyway, we ordered one of everything on the menu (not really, but only because after we’d ordered six items the waiter said, “That’s enough, ladies. That’s a lot of food,” to which we…
The Numbers Game
I gotta get “Easy Pickings” onto Smashwords. We’re at about 1200 sales via Amazon now, and a couple hundred on BN, plus around 500 (maybe more) from our combined websites, so we’re doing not too badly, I’d say. But I should get it on to that last platform and, er, well, see if it’s *worth* it. Which leads into the blog about numbers post I’ve been meaning to do, so lemme hit that real quick: Readers often ask me where they should buy books from, whether I get the same…