
“No Dominion” is now 30,005 words long, making it officially the longest novella I’ve ever written. It is possible I have reached the halfway point and don’t yet know it, but I have definitely *not* reached the halfway point of the second section, which is currently 10,000 words long. I am hoping that tomorrow will edge me over a precipice I can recognize as Halfway, and that the final section will be only 10K or so instead of 20, as the first one is and as the second is shaping…

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what the heck. :)

I’m running a test to see who’s reading my posts. So, if you read this, leave me a one-word comment about your day that starts with the third letter of your LJ USERNAME. Only one word please. Then repost so I can leave a word for you. Don’t just post a word and not copy – that’s not as much fun!

Sorry for the sudden influx of posts. I just realized I’ve managed to pack up 0, count ’em, 0, boxes of anything today, and I have roughly a million things to pack and send, so I’m closing out with a to-do list for tomorrow. I mean, you know, one that includes the stuff *besides* writing 1800 words to get going on my February Nano challenge, which I remind the several of you who stepped up starts TOMORROW aghglghglhg – pack at least 6 books – send at least 1 box…

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Picoreview: “Haywire”

Picoreview: “Haywire”: First off, although I remembered the commentary about the filming when it happened, until I saw the scenes in “Haywire”, I forgot some of it had been set in Dublin. If anybody would like a walking tour of the Haywire movie when they come to visit, I can provide one. :) Second, according to an article I read a while ago, “Haywire” director Steven Soderbergh apparently said, when he got the script, that he would love to do the film, but only if it had a female lead.…

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Five Writing Things Make A Post

Thing One: Last year Laura Anne Gilman wrote a terrific series of essential things for the writer in your life to know. Now she’s compiled them into an e-book, so if you’re looking for the distilled wisdom of a former editor turned novelist, this is the place to go! Thing Two: I have not gotten “Twenty Years After”, the 3rd “No Dominion” Kickstarter story, out to patrons. Mea culpa. :( I have a few more edits to do on it, and the end of the month just somehow got away…

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