
What is apparently the first item of Weight Loss Reward Clothing arrived today, as I had a moment of terrible weakness and ordered the Doctor’s Eleven t-shirt from Qwertee because I simply Could Not Resist. (Neither could Ted. We both have one now. :)) But anyway, I’d ordered the women’s large, and it is in fact a women’s large, cut differently from the men’s. So while my pudgy self would no doubt fit in it unattractively, I think I’ll stick it on the kitchen cupboard (or more likely, a printout…

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*Seriously*, people?

There’s a re-share going around my Facebook friends list of a billboard that says “If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you’re not a racist, vote for somebody else in 2012 to prove you’re not an idiot.” I’m not linking to it because I’m not in any hurry to give the guy who posted it originally any more traction (though to be fair I’m sure he didn’t create it, just took the picture). I’m having a hell of a time figuring out why people are re-sharing it. Presumably…

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upcoming blog topics

Really, I have a list of things to write about and apparently no time. OTOH, I’ve reached 21K on “No Dominion”, so you can perhaps see where my efforts are going. This week I’ve seen both “Haywire” and “Shame”, both of which I’ll write a picoreview of soon. At the moment, all I’ll say is last summer I couldn’t remember or pronounce Michael Fassbender’s last name and now I’ve seen much more of him than I might ever have reasonably expected to. :) Walking down Henry Street (one of the…

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a bad case of CHD

I’m suffering from a bad case of compulsive hair disorder. I can point directly to all the causes, which are as follows: 1. I’ve regained the entire 20 pounds I lost after Young Indiana’s birth, and I traditionally take weight gain out on my hair. 2. My Rogue streak needs re-bleaching. 3. I generally only get one shower during the work week, so my hair looks pretty limp a lot of the time. 4. I have not had my hair even trimmed in 18 months, so it is no doubt…

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“Your life is not normal.”

A couple nights ago I said to Ted, “I have a Skype date tonight!” He said “Oh you do! With WHOM?!” “With Gabra Zackman,” said I, “the reader of my Walker Papers audio books.” Ted paused, bemused, then said, “Your life is not normal. I mean, really. That’s just not normal.” I had a *wonderful* chat with Gabra, who is charming and funny and clever, and sometime soon (maybe not until Audio Book Release Day, but maybe before then) I’ll be posting a guest blog she’s done for me about…

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