I love the new year. It may be my favorite holiday, even if it’s perfectly silly for it to fall ten days after the solstice instead of on it. But I love the whole fresh start idea and I love resolutions and ambitions and just all of it. The only problem is I have too many ambitions (a statement which probably doesn’t come as a surprise to anybody who’s read my blog for more than two weeks). For example, in 2012 I’d like to: – get fit – gain a…
Author: mizkit
Old Races Short Story Project: Mission Accomplished
I’ve just shut down all the links for buying in to the Old Races Short Story Project. If, for some reason, you have waited until the very last minute and *desperately* want to buy in, you can email me up until midnight Pacific and we’ll arrange something. But it may involve mockery. :) In the end I had about 180 patrons for the ORSSP, and it made in the region of $4K for six short stories. That’s a pretty damned good market value, around $.11 a word, so thank you.…
the verdict is in!
Last night, my nephew finished reading the book I wrote for him. My sister texted to say he went, “Whoa,” when he finished, then leapt up with a bounce and said “That was RIDICULOUSLY exciting!!!!” I guess I did okay. :) I’m so very glad, given that I’ve never written a book for an audience of one before, and I did really hope he would like it. Now I just have to write three more, and then I can give them to my agent. :)
end of year round-up
Everything contracted-for is done. I still have a few little things pending, and I need to write them the hell down so I remember to do them. Things like: – copy edits on BABA YAGA’S DAUGHTER – copy/edits on “Don’t Wreck Your Soul” – chapter 2 of the ElectriCity script Coming up in January: – 4 Walker Papers/Kickstarter short stories – ElectriCity chapters 3-5 – “No Dominion”
The Year of the Short Story
2011 has been the weirdest writing year ever for me. I only wrote about–*pauses to count*–well, in the region of 300K, it looks like, which is actually pretty much my usual wordcount. Huh. But in years past I’ve gotten that wordcount primarily from books, and this year while I *have* written two books, I’ve also written…*pauses to count again* Uh. 21 short stories. And a comic script. And half a novella. Twenty-one short stories. This from someone who does not consider herself to be a short story writer*. 11 of…