It dawned relatively clear and not very windy this morning, so I made good on my promise to bring the nephews to the zoo. This was done with the explanation that I had no horse in this race: if they were unpleasant, I would happily turn around and take them home, because I can go to the zoo *any time I want*. But if they were charming and delightful, we would see all the animals they particularly wanted to see, and we would have lunch at the restaurant there, and…
Author: mizkit
lovely christmas
Lovely Christmas here. I cleaned up in the music & movies department, my clever husband having been paying attention when I’ve idly said “I’d like to hear more by them,” when someone whose vocals I like come on the music videos (and it takes me a long time, usually, to decide if I like someone, because I have real issues with one trick ponies and over-packaging of artists, so Ted’s done terrifically well in noting who I was interested in). I also, to my *total* astonishment, got volumes 3 &…
What’s in a name?
*laughs* I sort of idly posted on Twitter that my New Year’s resolution ought to be to remember to introduce myself to the Irish as Kit or Kitty. This stirred up quite a curious conversation as to why. I go by Catie IRL*, but there’s an Irish accent which aspirates the “t” into a “th”. This, combined with the softened “a”, causes me to hear “Kathy” instead of “Catie”. And I haaaaaaaaaate being called Kathy. So after several months of living here I started introducing myself as Cate, because it…
my goals
My goals today are small but myriad. – empty garbages – empty recycling – empty office – get gavin’s christmas present – get a roll of big tape – tape boxes – send a few packages – laundry. ALL the laundry. – make a stab at finishing “Baba Yaga’s Daughter” (i made a stab. i didn’t finish, but i stabbed.) – edit “The Christmas Hollidays” – put up the Christmas tree. finally. – weep in despair at the to-do list
My other nephew’s book has arrived! Squee! Christmas is sorted! Except one other thing for my brother-in-law, but besides that, sorted! And, er, y’know, putting the tree up and finishing wrapping presents. And I’m realizing just how many copies of the first nephew’s book I should’ve ordered but didn’t–there are a *lot* of kids in the family who are the right age range for it. So I’ll have to get a few more and send them out after Christmas. In the meantime I’ve got all the immediate needs dealt with,…