Most of a year ago Faith Hunter and I decided to write a crossover novella with our two main characters, Joanne Walker and Jane Yellowrock. We thought we’d have it done this past summer, but, um, we didn’t. But now it’s done! And this week we’re doing a soft launch on it, and giving our loyal fans and readers a chance to buy a PDF of the novella for $1.99, a dollar less than it’ll be going for on Amazon, B&N and other online retailers. So without further ado…EASY PICKINGS!…
Author: mizkit
I’m flailing around at the end of this draft. I’m in the Novelist’s Event Horizon. The end of the book is the same distance away as it has always been, as it will always be. I have five chapters left. I will have five chapters left until it’s abruptly done, and I won’t know quite how I got there. I’ve written a couple bits which tell me who the bad guy for book two (and possibly beyond) is, but I don’t know how to get to them. I hate this…
books i need to (re)buy
the hero & the crown (this is ursula’s fault) the blue sword (because might as well) lord of two lands (because it’s new in e-book! and because judith tarr is one of the best writers i have ever read. period.) a wind in cairo (while i’m buying judy’s books anyway) all 3 of barbara hamilton(hambly)’s abigail adams mysteries the starbridge novels (oh! the new covers are LOVELY! they must do well in e-book, okay, lads? because if they do well enough, AC Crispin might be willing to write more, and…
Easy Pickings!
We’re verging on finally releasing “Easy Pickings” into the wild! All we have to do is, um, learn how to upload it to Amazon and other places. Which actually I have zero idea of how to do. It can’t be that hard, can it? (…although it may be less intuitive than I think it should be. Um.) Right. Anyway! We’re planning to release it on the 15th, and in the meantime, here’s the cover!
totally inadequate fudge
I’d been having a hard time finding the chocolate I typically use here to make fudge with, so I got some at a different store and made fudge today. The chocolate melted suspiciously quickly, which I thought wasn’t an especially good sign, and when I mixed it in, the fudge did not reach anything like the right color. The fudge droppings confirm my fears. It’s got utterly lovely texture, and it’s a decent milk chocolate sort of fudge (though not as sweet as actual milk chocolate fudge). Its flavor, however,…