geek fail :)

Please tell me I’m not the only one who sat there a moment trying to remember if I got that email while reading today’s Questionable Content. Went forth to do some Christmas shopping today. Christmas shopping is much harder for/as adults. Compare, “What do you want for Christmas, Husband?/I dunno” to “What do you want for Christmas, nephew?/*laundry list of things he’s not going to get anyway, but which certainly are specific, detailed, and well-thought-out*” I personally feel I’ve circumnavigated this particular problem by asking for the Brennan stereo for…

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Magick 4 Terri

The truth is I need another project this month like I need a hole in the head, but it’s Terri Windling. Terri Windling is responsible for huge amounts of delight in the lives of not only my own self but zillions of other people I know, and she and her family are in need right now, so I’m throwing caution to the wind and offering an auction item: One original CE Murphy short story to the highest bidder.

thinks that aren’t writing

Today is a day of work that isn’t writing (despite yesterday’s reminder-to-self that getting up early to work, well, works). This is not really a good time to take a day off writing, but since I can’t figure out how to clone myself, it’ll have to do. thinks that aren’t writing but need doink – mail the first set of calendars – magical words post – last ORSSP story – catch up on answering emails – final edits on “Easy Pickings” – bonus feature: take a shower It’s a sad…

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ORSSP #6: “Trinity”

The Old Races Short Story Project patronage window is now closed. (Actually, this story is titled “Legacy” but I seem to have screwed that up in the emails I just sent to subscribers, so at the moment we’ll go with “Trinity”. There’s another completely different half-written Old Races (or it was half-written til I had the computer crash; I think it may be one of the very few things I lost when the hard drive died) story called “Trinity”, but nevermind that.) *clears throat* Right. Anyway. I’m doing a six-story…

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This morning I said to Mom, a bit rashly, “As long as the baby takes a nap at all, I should finish Nano on time.” The baby napped for 45 minutes and woke up miserable. Grim, I checked my wordcount before going to get him. 50,015. I’m actually pretty pleased. I’ve only ever succeeded with Nano once before, though I at least start to participate most years. Last time I succeeded was also with a middle grade novel. Coincidence? I don’t know. But I’m pleased to have accomplished it (as…

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