Apparently this year’s Victoria’s Secret fashion show, which I didn’t even really know existed, had a theme of superheroes. Some of the costumes are actually kind of cool, given that, y’know, they’re lingerie and therefore just about exactly as impractical as nearly every female superhero costume out there. I coulda done without the one buns shot in particular, though from the front that ‘costume’ really kind of rocked. But the best part, as one of the commenters said, is that they mostly look like they’re really having fun, instead of…
Author: mizkit
baking & writing
I know I’ve been all about the Kickstarter, and you’ve been very patient with me. Thank you. Very soon now I’ll shut up about it. And I promise all I’ll say today is that I forgot to say yesterday that the second novella is almost certainly going to be about Billy and Melinda, since they’re the second-most-asked-for characters after Gary. :) In the meantime, all I’ve been doing is baking and writing. I mean, really, that’s all I’ve been doing. (And eating what I’ve been baking, so my bum is…
“No Dominion” Contest!
Okay, because this thing has gone utterly nuts, I’m going to run a contest for “No Dominion” Kickstarter patrons. The campaign has about 72 hours left. I’ll give an upgrade to the $1000 package*–which is “I’ll write you a Walker Papers short story of your very own, featuring any secondary character you want” to the Kickstarter patron who guesses most closely the final dollar amount for the campaign. The contest closes at 2pm Eastern (New York City) time on Sunday, November 13. If you want a chance at me writing…
No Dominion just broke $15,000. *bursts into tears* oh my god. you people are crazy wonderful. oh my god.
things that are not kickstarter. mostly. sort of.
I will no doubt post about the Kickstarter again later today, but I thought I would make some effort to mention some things that are not Kickstarter. Like the baking frenzy that went on here this weekend. Saturday was Ted’s last day in his previous position at his job (he got a promotion! he started the new job Monday!), so I made a batch of brownies for the coworkers he was leaving. I must have done something wrong, though, because this time he didn’t come home with any second-hand marriage…