My EDITOR just bought into the “No Dominion” campaign*. That’s how much *she* wants to read this story! Bahahahah! Also it is now less than $600 from the signed limited edition trade paperback. *wheezes, wide-eyed* *No, sorry, this does not mean she’s bought it for traditional publication, it just means she’s just like everybody else and is putting down her dollars to make the story happen. Which I think is pretty. damned. AWESOME.


I’m doing copy edits on RAVEN CALLS. I just got to the scene where the “No Dominion” novella spins off from. AND I FREAKING LOVE IT. Like, exploding from excitement OMG MUST GO WRITE THIS THING RIGHT NOW AAAAAAAAAH SQUEEEEEEE love it! EEEEEEEEEEEEE! drink the kool-aid! join me in my squee! buy into the “No Dominion” campaign! :) :) :)

so what do you do…

…at 1:30am when the baby is up again for a second jetlagged night in a row? You go make with the bright makeup and do a little middle of the night photo shoot with the FREAKING AWESOME CHANCE MASK THAT GOWS SENT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW FREAKING COOL IS THAT?!?!??!?!?! I actually just stared when I opened the box. Total incomprehension. I mean, I knew what it was, but I’d talked to somebody a while ago about making just such a mask and things kind of went south there, so I was…

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two weeks to go

With two weeks to go, the “No Dominion” Kickstarter campaign is at an astounding $10.7K. $1300 more and it’ll reach the signed limited trade paperback edition level, which is absurdly cool. I obviously need to find a POD publisher who will do spot varnish on the cover so it can have a shiny tortoise like all the other books have shiny somethings. :) (I said, rashly trusting it would reach the $12K mark. :)) If I was less jet-lagged and exhausted I would post more, but, um, I’m not, so…

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why so serious

I’ve got that song stuck in my head. I can’t help thinking of Pink as being Heath Ledger’s Joker’s personal soundtrack, consequently. :) – email jenn – mail Mysterious Items to Jenn – email fred & That Other Fella – email that person i met – also email the artist i met, for that matter – open the box from gows O.O Still so very very far behind, but it’s a start, anyway.