So Young Indiana decided 10:30 was a nice time to get up, after a 90 minute nap, and has thus far refused to go back to sleep. (Particularly aggravating because, well, hell, it’s November 1, I could be working on the damned NNWM novel since I’m *awake*, except I can’t be because he’ll Help.) So anyway, I figured I might as well go through the mail, open the box from gows, and see what I owed her. ’cause, see, I knew what was in the box. Chocolate chips and copies…

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Safe at home. Visiting is always splendid, but coming home is always good. It’s very weird there in America: all the passers-by have American accents. Really did my head in in NYC, where the occasional French-speaker hit my ear as a great relief. :) Nanowrimo starts tomorrow, she said in a faint panic. Faint, because I’m too tired to panic fully. And panic or not, I have to do the RAVEN CALLS revisions first, so…well, I’m just hoping I won’t start out NNWM *too* far behind. other thinks to do:…

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all praise dropbox.

Oh good. Pleased to announce that I have in fact lost no writing in the Great Hard Drive Crash of 2011. All praise Dropbox. I have somehow once more ended up with Shitloads of Thinks To Do & Hardly Any Time To Do Them In, though in my defense this time it’s partly because of the hard drive crash basically obliterating my planned writing time during the Alaskan vacation. So that’s not actually my fault, and that’s the story I’m sticking to. – RAVEN CALLS revisions/copy edits – my bit…

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Finally! RAVEN CALLS cover!

They haven’t gotten me a copy that says Book 7 instead of Book 8 (the new computer system counted “Banshee Cries” as a full book, so renumbered RAVEN CALLS to Book 8), but here’s the cover of RAVEN CALLS, Book 7 of the Walker Papers! I love it!!! Muuuuuuuuuuch larger version behind the cut. :)


I’ve just seen a handful of photos from the shoot that will be producing the cover for EASY PICKINGS, the Joanne Walker/Jane Yellowrock “fan fiction by the authors themselves” crossover story that Faith Hunter and I are writing. It is going to be AWESOME. In other news, the NO DOMINION Kickstarter campaign is less than $200 from $10,000. *seizes heart and wheezes* You guys are *amazing*. *wheezes* o.o This means, of course, less than $200 from a fourth short story for everyone subscribing at $25 or more. So far I…

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