All right, she said in a burst of nervous excitement, I’m throwing a Kickstarter party starting now. Let’s see if anybody comes. O.O NO DOMINION is up for funding! Recently widowed after nearly fifty years of marriage, Gary Muldoon had given up on adventure. Then shaman Joanne Walker climbed into the back seat of his cab, and since then, Gary has trifled with gods, met mystics, slain zombies and ridden with the Wild Hunt. But now he must leave Joanne’s side to face a battle only he can win. Because…
Author: mizkit
how bizarre
– plane tickets to alaska – make a Kickstarter video (*squinchy face*) – strangle the P-Con redesign into the shape I actually want it to be in Lookit that. Everything except the P-Con redesign is done, and that, honestly, is in good enough shape that I could add the last few details and basically be satisfied, so the pressure’s pretty much off. So apparently this is what caught up feels like. How bizarre. The Kickstarter campaign is ready to launch. Has been for, oh, six hours or so, and I’ve…
DCnU & thinks to do
DC’s running a survey about the New 52. They actually give you a lot of room to express opinions, so this is a good place to go comment. *gnaws knuckles* I didn’t start setting up my Amazon business account (their paypal-like thing) until yesterday, and my bank is not one that does automatic verification on it. Now I am gnawing my knuckles to see if the verification process gets finished by, um, close of business tomorrow, heh, so I can launch the Kickstarter project on Saturday as planned. *flails* Got…
Old Races Short Story Project #5
The Old Races Short Story Project patronage window is now closed. I’m doing an Old Races short story project throughout 2011. This project will deliver 6 Old Races short stories to its patrons. This, “The Death of Him”, is the fifth, and is a story of the selkies. I’m posting it a few days early (it’s due in October) because there’s already so much going on at the beginning of October. :) You can find teasers for the other stories here: Awakening, a story of the vampires set after the…
time is flying
How is it I leave for NYCC in just over 2 weeks? How is it the Kickstarter campaign is due to start Saturday? I must get this show on the road! I need an Android app to scan & record my library barcodes. I don’t care about price comparison, I just want a log. Does such a thing exist? (Nevermind, I asked on Twitter and it does exist. Later I will examine the apps and see which one seems to work best.) Ah, there it is, posted publicly: Betsy Mitchell…