2016 in review is a work related round-up, because it’s been an absolutely awful year personally. The other day somebody sent around a “some good things must have happened at least on a personal level in 2016, please post them!” and I honestly couldn’t think of anything actively good enough to stand out. So, this year in publication review: startingly good, actually. I had 5 books come out, including the graphic novel of TAKE A CHANCE, which we’ve all been waiting for forever. :) To wit: MAGIC & MANNERS An…
Author: mizkit
Slaying the Dragon: A Walker Papers short story
Once in a while I manage to have my act together enough to present a holiday short story to my readers. This year’s story was inspired by visiting North Carolina for the first time, and driving some of those twisty twisty roads that Joanne is so fond of. Slaying the Dragon is set five years after the end of SHAMAN RISES, and as such, contains, if not outright spoilers, certainly spoilers by association. :) Slaying the Dragon (pdf) (turns out wordpress won’t let me upload epub or mobi files, sorry.…
a live blog of the solstice
9am: #ThinksToDo: wrap gifts put tree together hold my head still so snot doesn’t swirl around & make me dizzy work on leah’s comic 10am: so far i’ve: emptied dishwasher cleared wrapping table gotten laundry going fetched wrapping paper located indy’s gifts 11am: have now: wrapped, if not ribboned, indy’s gifts must now: store them find ted’s gifts wrap them shower eat something besides sugar cookies 12pm: have now: found ted’s gifts disovered i hadn’t [redacted] proceeded to [ redacted ] wrapped MOST of his gifts despite delay did not…
no time for your unexamined patriarchal party line
Indy had a dentist appointment today. The dentist, who is a woman, and who keeps up a pretty constant stream of chatter to reassure her child patients, made no fewer than four separate comments to Henry about how “girls talk a lot.” By the third I was livid. What I do not need is a woman–perhaps ESPECIALLY a professional woman, A DOCTOR–reinforcing stereotypes that my six year old son has *certainly* never come into contact with from me, and which I wish him to be armed to resist when he…
oh god my shoulders
I have terrible knots in my shoulders, and a perpetually over-stretched subscapularis nerve under my right shoulder blade. I mean, like, this is a decades-old injury. My friend E, who is a massage therapist, used to tell me she wanted to spend some quality time with her fingers in my armpit, which I always thought was a joke until she got her hands on me and spent some quality time with her fingers in my armpit. Turns out that, since the subscapularis is entirely covered by bone, the way you…