I’ve been nearing the halfway point on this scarf for a while now, but I have no ability at all to judge how much yarn I have left with regards to how many rows I can expect to knit with it. The last 14 rows went like this: oh i probably have two rows worth of yarn left okay so maybe it’s four …six… all right i’ve done ten there’s definitely…a dropped stitch there… *fails utterly to fix it, rips out 3 rows* okay well so at least i know…
Author: mizkit
So here’s the deal.
I haven’t been blogging much because life has been exceptionally chaotic lately, and not in a good way. (Dad and his bionic brain are doing fine, in case you leap to worrying about that.) Among very many other things, we were informed about six weeks ago that the company my husband works for has lost its contract and the entire site was being made redundant, so Ted’s out of a job as of the end of next week. We’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out what we’re…
happy birthday to my many birthday twins
…including but not limited to Esmerel, Silkblade, Novella, Chaz’s cousin, Morgan Freeman, Marilyn Monroe, and Superman! Regular blogging might resume tomorrow, but don’t hold your breath. It’s been a hell of a month.
cowls & scarfs
I cast off on Indy’s scarf-not-a-scarf-way-too-short-totally-a-cowl-that’s-what-i-meant-it-to-be last week and today nerved myself up to try stitching it together to see if it would make a cowl or if I in fact had to tear the whole thing out and do it again. So I stopped halfway up the seam to see if it would fit over Indy’s head, and he loved it that way: So I’ve declared it done. O.O :) I started a scarf for me. (This will actually be a scarf, I have enough yarn.) The point of…
Writing Wednesday: Price Points
I’ve released two books back to back so far this year, MAGIC & MANNERS in March, followed by ATLANTIS FALLEN in April. As an experiment, I priced ATLANTIS FALLEN $2 cheaper than M&M, to see if the number of sales at the lower price point made up for or (hopefully) outstripped the profit I make off the higher purchase price of MAGIC & MANNERS. It did. Just barely. It took about 28 of its first 30 days to catch up to MAGIC & MANNERS’ first month, and in the last…