back on the wagon. i hope. :p

For the first time in a very long time I measured out my breakfast cereal. They seem to think 3/4ths cup of raisin bran is a serving. It’s not very damned much, I tell you that. I miss my Kashi GoLean Crunch, which is more expensive in points, but buried beneath berries makes a really filling yummy breakfast. They don’t seem to have it here, though.

I was able to re-sign up for the WW Online site. Turns out they don’t care (or at least track) where you are as long as your credit card address is in the US. So that’s taken care of.

It’s 7 weeks til my 33rd birthday. I am, at the moment, weighing in at 160 (how incredibly depressing). The goal is 154 by June 1. (I’d love to be at, oh, 146 by June 1, but I’m trying to keep my goals realisitic. :P)

I may be extremely neurotic about posting meals and points and things for a few days (to maybe a few weeks) just to try to keep my eating under control and to get used to counting points again. If you’re not feeling like being innundated with posts, just lemme know and I’ll take you off the filter. Mostly I’ll try to keep them behind cut tags.

4 thoughts on “back on the wagon. i hope. :p

  1. I have taken to looking at the serving size when choosing a new cereal. If it’s less than a cup, I don’t buy it, because (whether it’s psychological or physical) less than a cup of food is not enough breakfast to make me feel like I’ve eaten. I’m also fond of some of the other Kashi cereals. The GoLean Crunch is spendy, but there’s a slightly sweetened Kashi that’s nice, and there’s a GoLean (not crunch) that isn’t sweetened so much, but is tasty, and is much less spendy on points. And, it turns out, I like the just plain old puffed grains Kashi.

  2. Pooooooooor Kit.

    Neurotic is sorta good. It means you’re paying attention and stuff.

    I’m very fond of my oatmeal, and if you can’t get steel-cut oatmeal in Ireland, then…then…

  3. You can. I suspect drowning it in milk and brown sugar is, though, against the point…

  4. I’ve been trying to gear myself up for getting back on the wagon, as the tattoo (so gorgeous!) has me really jonesing for more, but I’m loath to do the whole sides-and-stomach thing until I’m a little happier with where my weight has settled.

    So far, all I’ve done this week is read comics, however, but at least I’m not snacking-hungry all the time, which seems to happen while school’s on. No online WW for me (too expensive!), but I’m going to dig up my old notebook of food and try to get back to those choices/meals, and I have at least a general idea of how AP work now (at least how they’d count for me), which may help.

    So here’s to (all of) us! Which means strength and willpower and much water consumption, I suspect.

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