It is a very beautiful day and I feel very sleepy and lazy. I don’t want to write. (Sunshine does this to me. Gloomy weather = good for writing. Summertime = bad for writing.) I want to go outdoors and wander around in the sunshine for several lazy hours, not that there’s anywhere in particular to go.
Maybe I’ll go back to bed and snuggle Ted for a while. *yawns*
Go out and walk! Haven’t you seen the forecast for the weekend? Blech!
I have, and I’m relieved: it means I’ll work. :)
Good plan, though. I think I’ll go out and walk. :)
Hee! I’ll trade you. :)
Nooo! It’s getting cloudy now! I wants to keep my clouds!
I am all for the snuggles. You could potentially have sunshine 7 days a week. You only have a Ted for 1 or maybe 2 days a week. Take advantage while you can!! AND… you can work while he is working!
That is the cutest avy! Is that your kitty?
It is not! It is‘s kitty. I have never actually seen a cat lie on its face like that. :)