I’ve just seen a handful of photos from the shoot that will be producing the cover for EASY PICKINGS, the Joanne Walker/Jane Yellowrock “fan fiction by the authors themselves” crossover story that Faith Hunter and I are writing.
It is going to be AWESOME.
In other news, the NO DOMINION Kickstarter campaign is less than $200 from $10,000. *seizes heart and wheezes* You guys are *amazing*. *wheezes* o.o
This means, of course, less than $200 from a fourth short story for everyone subscribing at $25 or more. So far I know I’m going to tell a story about Gary’s St. Patrick’s Day weekend (which happened during SPIRIT DANCES), a story about little Ashley Hampton (probably a Ten Years Later story), and there has been a great and mighty outcry for another Morrison story, so I may give that a shot (Morrison does not think his life is any of our business, so it’s tricky with him). And in another $170, there’ll be one more story….! :)
It ALSO means the campaign is not quite $2200 from the signed limited edition trade paperback version, which will be inclusive of all the short stories written for the project. I will probably explode if it reaches that level, but it will be a good kind of explosion, I promise. :) (Also, if it reaches that level I’ll write the first chapter of HEAVEN CAN WAIT for ALL readers!)
*runs around giggling like a giggling thing*
Well look at that, you are over $10k now! Squee!
I seriously think it will be possible to make it to the signed limited edition trade paperback version. This has been such a cool Kickstarter campaign. WAY TO GO EVERYONE!!