We’ve scheduled the movers for tomorrow, so I’m up in Dublin doing laundry right now (I left all my clothes here when Ted broke his arm) and when that’s done I’m going down to Athy to do as much housecleaning as I can, and to, um. Well. Wait for the movers to come in the morning. They’ve just called to ask if it’s okay if they come at half eight instead of nine, which is, y’know, fine, so maybe if I’m lucky I’ll get out of Athy tomorrow afternoon and make it back down to Cobh. If not, I’ll come back up to Dublin tomorrow and sleep here, then take the train down Thursday morning.
Madness. It’s all madness.
Ted’s arm is less hurty today, which he is glad for. He got a good night’s sleep last night, which helped a lot, I think. There’s been a great deal of general exhaustion around our house the last week, and today’s the first time I’ve felt remotely human for a while. Next up on the bag of tricks is starting a weight-loss plan again, because my weight is going the wrong direction and I’m pretty the reason my size 8s are tight is not because they’ve shrunk. Bah.
Um. What else. Ted called a while ago to say that on his way home from the store, the cabbie told him that the place under construction at the head of our housing estate was in fact a restaurant that was expected to open this summer. *laugh* Perhaps there’s a method to the madness, after all. So we’ll be interested to see how that turns out…! Oh, and DSL will be turned on at home somewhere in the next 5-7 working days, so, er, basically you probably won’t hear a lot from me until we get back from NYC. That’s okay; I have a book to write in the next four weeks.
More cool art from my artist.
Wrote 4K on the train from Cork today. Trains good.
Must get Ted a plane ticket to New York. New York good. :)
miles to Mount Doom: 436
ytd wordcount: 85,300
See, it was fate!
ARG! You AND Ted are going to be in NY?!? And there’s no way our schedules will converge?!?!?!? AAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGG!!!!
It’s Ireland 10-15 days on DSL. Hope you aren’t gettting called on the carpet in New York. (Good luck with new restaurant, always listen to the Cabbies, we’re all knowing)