beta readers & temper

i have regained most of my temper, at this point, and feel less screechy. this is in large part because i have the best daddy in the world and he got me a printout of the manuscript, which means i am now capable of doing meaningful edits on it. i will work very hard tomorrow and friday and send it to those beta readers i have contacted friday evening (my time).

which translates to: thank you, *all* of you, who volunteered as beta readers. i’ve got my victvolunteers, and i have notes back from one of them on the Absolute Crap Draft already, which is going to be insanely useful tomorrow.

i am, at the moment, pretty much emotionally exhausted. i actually napped on the train on the way into dublin, which is completely unlike me. i hoped to work on the ms on the way back, but the train was chock full, so no room to do so. rather than try to get myself involved in it tonight, i’ll just go to bed early and work hard tomorrow.

i had no idea how critical the printed manuscript stage was to me. i mean, i knew i needed it to do decent edits, but i did not know my brain would seize up and send me into a raging fury/panic/freakout/whatever. gah.

it was good to see mom and dad. they cheered me up. :) so did tammy, who was silly at me until i was more chipper. i have good friends and family.

bed now. so tired.

miles to mount doom: 404.5

2 thoughts on “beta readers & temper

  1. Wow! You must have been so frustrated! At least it sounds like you are now back on target. Good luck.

  2. Aw, man. That’s rough, but at least you’ve got something to work from now. I’d have loved to volunteer to read, but right now I can barely keep up with my chem reading, much less anything for fun. Good writing to you!

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