bio? press release? eee!

I’m supposed to write a page-long bio for my press release. I have absolutely no idea what to say. I’m tempted to start with the story of my sister having to write such a bio, where she went to Dad and said, “Hey, Dad, what should I put in my bio?” and Dad said, “Well, there was the time you ran into the burning building to save the baby.” She laughed and said, “Oh, right,” and went and said to Mom, “Hey, Mom, what should I put in my bio?” Mom, completely independently, said, “Well, there was the time you ran into the burning building to save the baby….”

Deirdre never actually ran into a burning building to save a baby, but it does let you know what kind of family I’m from.

I installed Chatzilla last night at Deirdre’s behest, and it has screwed up all the fonts on my browser. I’m seriously displeased with this. *grumpy look* (edited to add: apparently the stupid fricking thing reset my default browser font size to ‘smallest’. It’s fixed now. Stupid *)$%#@ thing.)

It’s March. March is going to be a busy month. Know what I have to do in March? I have to revise THUNDERBIRD FALLS, write a proposal for OPERATION: FIREBIRD, and a proposal for COYOTE DREAMS. Um, that and write a bio and answer some Luna interview questions and do my Other Worlds thing for the site (which means very possibly writing “Urbane Shaman”, as was tyoped by another Luna author and which was so funny I thought I really needed to write a short story called that. Jo is *not* an urbane shaman. :)) and an article about writing for the Luna site and ye gods. Did I mention it’s going to be a busy month? o.o I better go read another book. :)

miles to Rauros Falls: 33