Could one of my medically inclined friends explain to me why losing 30 pounds has had a positive effect on my allergies? As in, I’m barely suffering from them at all. My working theory is that fat cells store all the little nasties I’m allergic to, but, y’know, I’m just making that up, ’cause what the hell do I know. :) I assume it’s not that the allergy season is particularly mild this year, because Ted seems to be having his usual snuffly nose.
Oh! We saw the Serenity trailer when we went to Batman Begins again. I haven’t watched Firefly, but the Serenity trailer convinced Ted and me to watch it. :) Also, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory looks like it might have been done right. I could tell, because I watched the new trailer and felt rather hopeful and pleased with what I saw, while Ted, who has never read the book and loves the (in my opinion god-awful) Gene Wilder version, looked completely horrified.
When Emily gets here, Jai and I decided that we need to snag her and Melissa and have a Girls Evening of watching 80s Brat Pack movies. Specifically 16 Candles, Pretty in Pink, and The Breakfast Club. I think that sounds like a total blast. :)
All right. I need another 800 words before I can consider myself done for the day (although I intend to WAR again tonight, so hopefully I’ll come in around 5K again, rilly).
miles to Rauros Falls: 288
Wow, I remember living in Seattle and watching “Pretty In Pink” in the theatre. Then I just saw the movie again last week, that was a great blast from the past. I love Duckie, he’s so awesome. So funny. You’re gonna have great time.
Firefly is a lot of fun. I think you’ll enjoy the series.
I’ll take a poke about in the medical literature and see if I can find anything on your allergy and weight thing. I know weight loss improves a lot of things, but I haven’t heard this particular connection before. Now I’m curious…
From Theno:
I am not really medically inclined, but perhaps the allergy symptoms are lessened for similar reasons why obese people frequently get sleep apnea–you’ve lost weight so the tissues in your nose/throat aren’t quite as plump, meaning that when they are allergy irritated, they are not causing breathing issues and the like?
Beats the hell out of me. :)
Re: Firefly–as everyone else said on LJ: go see it!
Re: Brat Pack films–I scoff at Pretty in Pink. Get thee to St. Elmo’s Fire. :)
I found some info for you on the allergies and weight thing. It’s longish (me? long-winded? never!), so I sent it to two of your email accounts. Let me know if you don’t get it.