Blast it. This is one of the problems with making any sort of Plan To Deal With Writing Projects–something unexpected frequently arises which throws all those plans off kilter.
In this case, my 3 day intensive revisions project for CARDINAL RULE has been thwarted by the photocopies being bad. It’d be okay if they were just dark, which they are, but all the notes my editor wrote in the margins are 1/3rd to 1/2 cut off on the photocopy. There just aren’t enough letters there for me to decipher the notes. And see, if I’d been a good Kit and read over them yesteday like I said I was going to, I’d have known that and I could’ve just started writing more on FD this morning. Blast it.
Oh well. Off to email the editor and then to go read the first fifty thousand words of FD so I can start writing again. :)
miles to Rauros Falls: 249