
The end of the ARC story:

Due to one thing or another, the COYOTE ARC did not get pulled down from eBay before the end of the auction (and went for $33, which just makes me go buh). The seller making thirty-three bucks off my book still annoys me, but hey, at least somebody got a copy of the book they really wanted.

Except the winner just emailed me to say she’d bid on it so she could return it to its rightful owner, and wanted to know if it should therefore be sent to me, or to my agent. *boggle* I told her to keep it, of course, although since I don’t have any of the ARCs I said if she wanted she could send it to me in exchange for a signed copy of the regular edition. How very nice of her!

My big plan for the day is to get enough done this morning to be able to go over to Monkstown and go for a nice long walk this afternoon. Am I a party animal, or what? :)

miles to Minas Tirith: 10

12 thoughts on “-boggle-

  1. May it keep fine for you! So far it is looking good and the fact that Mr Wol took his waterproofs to work today might act as suitable preventative magic.

  2. It worked yesterday! I meant to comment on that. It looked like rain in the morning, so I took my umbrella and hat with me into Cork, and it got lovely out. Let’s hear it for preventative magic! :)

  3. Occasionally it does one good to be reminded there are nice people out there on the internets too :)

  4. Hey, the good news is that you can now ask that person to give your agent the return address for the ebay seller.

  5. Hmmm, it seems likely the buyer would be very cooperative with such a plan. Then we just send a few of da boyz over to *cough* have a word with the seller….

  6. I hope you are taking the ferry and not indicating your divine status by walking all the way (or your fitness level I’m not sure which)

  7. *laugh* Yes, I was going to take the ferry. I decided, however, to stay on this side of the water, because I wasn’t sure of the weather, and I didn’t want to be caught on the other side if it did rain. That just seemed too dire. :)

  8. the winner just emailed me to say she’d bid on it so she could return it to its rightful owner

    *blink* How nice of her, indeed!

    I told her to keep it . . . if she wanted she could send it to me in exchange for a signed copy of the regular edition.

    And how nice of you!

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