What? Not sure if you want to buy it? My heart, it is breaking! But wait! You can read a teaser if you must! Go forth! Enjoy! Spies and explosions and smoochies! Can’t go wrong with that, right?
(I tell you, despite having Plenty On My Plate, and 3 all-new C.E. Murphy books coming out next year, it torques my jaws that I don’t have another Dermody book lined up right now…)
Are your books available on Amazon or some other similar easy place I can point potential gift-givers?
i checked fred meyer yesterday, which is where i bought the other two, and no luck :( i will keep looking though, everyday if i have to….I WANT IT…NOW NOW NOW!!!
~~Rhonnie :)
Yep, although the first two Dermody books probably have to be ordered through an Amazon affiliate rather than Amazon itself, because they’re only kept in stock anywhere for 6 months. Short, short shelf lives, those. But all the Murphy books should be readily available.
“Total for this Order: $139.45
Shipping estimate for these items: December 5, 2006
Delivery estimate: December 7, 2006
1 “The Phoenix Law (Silhouette Bombshell)”
Cate Dermody; Mass Market Paperback; $4.99
Sold by: Amazon.com
1 “The Phantom Tollbooth”
Norton Juster; Paperback; $6.50
Sold by: Amazon.com
1 “Oh, Yuck: The Encyclopedia of Everything Nasty”
Joy Masoff; Paperback; $8.97
Sold by: Amazon.com
1 “The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead”
Max Brooks; Paperback; $11.16…
Shipping Method: Standard Shipping
Subtotal of Items: $0.48
Shipping & Handling: $3.49
Total for this Order: $3.97
Shipping estimate for these items: December 6, 2006
1 “The Cardinal Rule (Bombshell)”
Cate Dermody; Mass Market Paperback; $0.48
Sold by: usedbooks123_online”
The first one better be good. I had to hunt a long time and spend a lot of money. :-)
*laughs* Do you have FIREBIRD?
Yes. I didn’t want to start in the middle so I have not read it yet.
I went straight to the source and ordered it from eharlequin.com on friday (hey, you get a free book on fridays, although you don’t get to chose it).
I also ordered all the other December and January Bombshells (sigh, I’m going to miss that line), plus a few others. Had to cut two books from the list because they only let you order 15 in one shipment, the poopy-heads