I am very funny. :) This morning the doorbell rang as I pulled Young Indiana’s diaper off to expose a POOPY BUTT. I went ACK and leapt up to rush to the door because the only reason the doorbell rings at this hour is if there’s a mail delivery! I whipped the door open and said “quick! quick! i’m changing the baby’s diaper!”

the poor man apologized and started laughing and handed me the form to sign for BOXES OF BOOKS! Young Indiana came to see what was going on, poopy butt stuck in the air because he doesn’t like crawling on the carpet with nekkid knees. We laughed even harder! I signed the form and scooped the baby up, yelling things like, “No, no! Don’t sit down! No! Whew!” and got him all changed without a Disaster.

And then I got to open boxes of BOOKS!

I think this is still my favorite part of writing. :)


I’ll be sending advance copies of SPIRIT DANCES to oh, we’ll say half a dozen random commenters on this post. :)

35 thoughts on “BOOKS!

  1. Great funny story to start off the day here. It got me smiling and cheered me up. The book cover looks amazing; I love the color scheme.

  2. I think that would be one of the really awesome things about being a writer too. I know I love getting a new book in the mail (or from the library). The second best would probably be for your parents to get a book you wrote in the mail.

  3. Thanks – I needed a good chuckle, now if I can just get my hands on one of those books – then – yes – life will be perfect!

  4. New books! Poopy butts! Delivery guys with a sense of humor! Sounds like a great start to the day. :)

  5. LOL. I remember the whole diaper experience from when my kids were little. I’ve actually preordered this particular book. :) I would love to have an autographed copy though. (yes, shameless I know but I really like your writing)

    ..and at the risk of seeming presumptuous, Indiana looks like a very happy baby.


  6. It’s good to enjoy the rewards of your hard work. Wow, seeing your box-o-goodies doubles my itch for April to roll around so I can get my copy! Any chance you can post chapter 2 as a teaser? PUH-LEEZE?

    Enjoy every day with Young Indiana. Before you know it, he’ll be in college like both of my kids!

    Best of luck, Catie.
    Scott in Clovis

  7. I’m rather envious of the flexibility of Young Indiana, I wish I could still get around like that without introducing my face to the carpet in a rather dramatic fashion.

    Also, I just love getting a package in the mail, therefore I hope I’m one of your lucky random commenters.

  8. So pretty. I love getting books in the mail. Actually I just getting mail period. I must admit, however, that getting boxes of my own books in the mail would be a special experience.

    And awesome.

  9. LOL. And seriously!? Can I have one?? I’ll send a “reader resume” if I have to… (I’ve worked at lots of bookstores! I’m connected! I KNOW people!! **silently begs**).

  10. you got lucky on that one, that’s for sure. With my luck the baby would have come to the door on his butt. Books!!!

  11. And just think, you’ll have that story to blackmail Young Indiana with when he hits his dating years. ;)

    Awesome on getting books!

  12. Hooray for boxes of books! Can’t wait until I can buy it, so of course I’d love to be one of the lucky random commenters. :)

  13. I love the moment when the book becomes real, when there are photos and a box packed to the brim. I can see a bit of the matte design – a snake I think?

    *crosses fingers* I hope I’m lucky. :)

  14. yea!!! Books!! I love reading the walker papers! and I am ssoo glad you didn’t have a mishap with Young Indiana! LOL

  15. I recently got your Truth Seeker from Book Depository and have put it on my To Be Read shelf so I can see there’s a light at the end of the tunnel (the tunnel is what I call school). And I love your Walker series. I love how you manage to make each new book somehow more intense than the last one. I was also impressed by the Inheritors’ Cycle though to be honest, I have read only the first book but I think the protagonist is one of the most complex ones I’ve come across. That being said, I’d be super happy to be one of the lucky ones but even if I’m not, I’m still excited to read the new book in the series! Thanks for writing.

  16. Kids do the funniest things. There is nothing like getting a box of books in the mail. I would love to read your book.

  17. Ah, I love the smell of new books in the morning :) How thrilling to get a whole box of your own! I would be lying them on the floor and rolling around on them. Mind you, it may lead to some paper cuts in interesting places…

  18. I’m probably not as excited as you are about the books — but I am still pretty excited. I’ve been on tenterhooks waiting for this one.

  19. From dirty diaper to shiny new books…what a transformation!! I get so excited just to get a delivery of books I order online so to get your own…WOW!!

  20. I have your blog bookmarked and check for updates all the time. I enjoy all the entertaining stories of Young Indiana. A couple weeks ago I finally finished my C.E. Murphy collection by purchasing The Strongbox Chronicles, and now I’ll have to get my hands on Spirit Dances. If I don’t receive an advance copy then I will have to drive to the bookstore to purchase Spirit Dances on the day it is released. I can’t wait.

  21. Thanks for the giggle! I had to comment because today is the day my 19-month old daughter decided to enact the Great Poop Explosion of 2011. She NEVER grabs her diaper in the middle of changing, that is until today when it just so happened to be incredibly full (even leaking — ewww!). She didn’t just grab it… no, she also yanked it out sideways and threw it. It’s been a fun morning! Sigh….
    On a much brighter note, congrats on your new book! It looks great, and I can’t wait to read it!

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