I think I’m going to have to start weight lifting to really take more weight off. I could, in theory, weight lift on the 4 days a week when I don’t swim. I have the equipment in my garage. And I _like_ weight lifting. And I work at home. It’s not like I can’t find the time.
Actually *doing it*, however…
I don’t know why I have a problem with actually doing it. (Because it’s *work*, she whined. Because it’s *hot* in the garage. Because because because because because.) It’s way the holy living hell easier to work out if I’ve got somebody to meet up with, but I don’t, and my motivation for doing so on my own seems to be utterly flat. I know it’s one of those Nike things, but apparently I don’t have enough belief that I need/want/whatever to weight lift to get myself to Just Do It.
I’ve been slacking on the weights lately too, even if I do like and need it. Hot, summer, games to play, yaddayaddda. Lend me some motivation if you find it :)