
Apparently I’m a question in the X-Box Trivial Pursuit game. “What city does C.E. Murphy’s Negotiator series take place in?”


No, let me repeat: *buh*!

In other news it has just struck me that the 10 pages of “Hot Time” I wrote today may have all just gotten me up to the beginning. This is…somewhat dismaying. I’ve written well over 6000 words on it so far. It’d be nice if more than half of that was useable. o.O

I’m now going to spend the entire weekend playing City of Heroes, ’cause it’s DoubleXP weekend. :)

miles to Minas Tirith: 538
ytd wordcount: 201,200 (look! I broke 200K for the year!)

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1 thought on “*Buh*.

  1. How cool to be a part of “pop culture”. Can you imagine your reaction if you had gotten that question while playing the game?
    Gosh, how hard could it be for X-Box to send an email to let you know?
    Kudos- You know you’ve made it when… ;)

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