burned holes in my head

My eyes feel a bit like burned holes in my head, which is not so good, since it’s only 9am.

Got up and went to the gym this morning. Woke up, in fact, at 5 to 5, when I’d been intending to wake up at 5:30. There was no sleep after that, though, so I lay there until the alarm went off and got up. Much as it sucks to wake up 35 minutes early, I think I’d rather that, and get up and gym, than wimp out. Soon I’ll need food. And I need water…

» 75 crunches
» 36 reverse push-ups
» bench press, 40x12x3
» butterfly press, 20x12x3
» lat pull-downs, 35?x12x3
» shoulder press, 20x12x3
» chest press, 20x12x3
» leg extensions, 40x12x3
» leg curls, 40x12x3
» hip ab/adductions, 65x12x3
» back extensions, 35x30x1
» tricep extensions, 20x12x3
» bicep curls, 20x12x3
» chicken-wing things, 20x12x3
» floor swimming, 18×2