
I will not, after all, be attending ButcherCon this fall.

Ted and I are planning to go to WFC in November instead. And hopefully I’ll be going to Colorado Gold in September, but I’m not sure about that right now. Depends on what books are finished by then and how much money we have, a’course. :)

8 thoughts on “ButcherCon

  1. I note you have listed on your info page. Does this mean you’re thinking of going along to Mecon this August?

  2. I am thinking of it! It looks like it’d be fun, and it’s a train ride instead of a flight, which would be convenient…!

  3. Hurray, hurrah! Well, for the WFC part, not for your joining the ranks of those no longer going to Butchercon. I’ll be looking forward to meeting you.

  4. ohhh…. your going to have to tell me your travel plans :)

    Woot! I may not have to travel on my own!

  5. Well, there goes a good third of my reason to be there. Still goin, I think, though. :)

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