I have walked, which means I’m mighty shy on reasons to not make more candy or write.
Tally so far:
2 batches toffee (1 to go)
1 batch coconut joy (1 to go?)
3 batches fudge (1-3 to go)
1 batch Russian teacakes (1 to go)
Perhaps I should take up making Christmas cookies instead of candies. Although I’m not sure that’d be any faster, really. :)
All right. More tea cakes, then washing of dishes to make more fudge, toffee, coconut joys. Want to know the weird thing? I don’t even particularly want to eat any of this. Obviously it is critical that I keep myself full on other stuff for the next week, and I might get through it without gorging on candy. :)
miles to Lothlorien: 421 (wow! only 47 to go!)
Outrageous good that you don’t particullary want any of the stuff you’re making. I haven’t lost the yen, but I have lots more years of consuming than you do. :)
And if you had spell check on your site, I wouldn’t have made up the word particullary – and the world would be all the lesser for the lack of a new word. :)
I agree with your papa– particullary is a very fine new word.
As for cookies versus candies, let me assure you that making cookies takes no less time, particularly if you make ones that require decoration. Frosting cookies, particularly (or particullary, to use a recently coined word) if one wants to do it well, takes for bloody ever.