Arright, to start with you should actually go read Steve Aryan’s commentary, because it’s much more thoughtful and insightful than my own, and he’s my co-pilot on this BatB re-watch. :) Here is my relationship with Beauty and the Beast in a nutshell: I had never read GREAT EXPECTATIONS when the first episode aired, and did so just to find out what the last chapter was, because in the hospital at the end Catherine wonders if someone might read the last chapter to her, because Vincent has been reading it…
Category: BatB
BatB & thinks to do
Oh hey, we’re starting our BatB re-watch on Wednesday! Since it’s being arranged by people on Greenwich time, I expect we’ll be watching at about 8 or 9pm around here, which is bloody inconvenient for Americans, but we’ll open a discussion post on one of our blogs and we can all have a little geekfest if anybody else wants to join in. :) Seriously, guys, that’s all I’ve got for content this morning. I spent the entire weekend writing. I know nothing of any interest. I haven’t even watched the…
more media plans :)
I just discovered Ron Perlman is on Twitter (he’s perlmutations, since the resounding response from my Twitter feed was WHAT WHERE?!) and this has somehow immediately blown out of control into an 2014 International Re-Watch Beauty and the Beast-fest, so, y’know, if you’ve been meaning to do that, we’ll be doing that next year. An episode a week, probably, starting early (but probably not instantly) in the new year, with live tweeting. :) Along with re-reading Guy Gavriel Kay’s novels and clearning out my TBR pile. That should pretty well…