So we’re doing prety well with the MAGIC & MANNERS Patreon project, having worked our way up to $144 commited toward new chapters in the past ten days or so. To reiterate how it works: you, the patron, pledge to donate whatever small amount you wish toward a new chapter of MAGIC & MANNERS–$.25, $.50, $1, $5–whatever you like! When the pledged donations reach $250, I post a new chapter and press the collection button. If donations remain at $250, the next week I post another chapter, and so on…
Category: Crowdfunding
Patreon update :)
So I logged into the war room after launching the MAGIC & MANNERS Patreon project and got hit with a bunch of suggestions on how to improve the page, which I’ll be doing, but one of them was “more explaining about how the funding works”, so I’ll do that in a blog post. So. Funding with Patreon is Not Like Kickstarter. Patreon does not ask for one large donation; it asks for many small ones. And when we say small we can mean “ten or five or even one cent”–micropayments…
Magic & Manners: Chapter Five
My gift to you this Valentine’s Day is chapter five of MAGIC & MANNERS! (Start here if you haven’t been reading along!) And, okay, folks, I’m doin’ it! I’m crowdfunding this baby! If you’ve enjoyed MAGIC & MANNERS thus far, visit my Patreon page to support its continuation! Patreon’s not like Kickstarter: it’s for small projects rather than big ones, and relies on small, regular donations instead of one larger one. So you might decide to donate $1 per chapter, and if 250 people decide to donate $1/chapter, then every…
Magic & Manners: Chapter Four
In celebration of the 201st anniversary of PRIDE & PREJUDICE’s publication, I humbly submit for your reading pleasure the fourth chapter of MAGIC & MANNERS. Yeah, okay, so I was going to do this as a crowdfund, and I got the project page all ready, and I was going to launch it last night and I had a terrible spasm of “maybe this isn’t a good idea.” So I delayed the launch, and this morning I’m more able to interpret the spasm as “push that button and this becomes work,”…
Cover reveal! Campaign live! STUFF!!!! :)
First off, my sister’s Indiegogo campaign has gone live! It’s actually an insanely awesome project *aside* from some of the reward levels being stuff from me: she’s writing, directing and producing a musical (seriously, my sister is amazing). The campaign page is here! Ah, but what’s it about? Let me quote the page: Anti-Captialism: The Musical! is large scale theatrical narrative using circus and music. It a fairytale, set in a near future political reality similar to our own. It uses aerial acrobatics, plot twists, assassinations, and intrigue to tell…