know what?

Know what would be great? it would be great if Harry Connolly’s epic fantasy Kickstarter funded in its first 24 hours. It’s more than halfway there already and it launched, um, slightly more than two hours ago. :) If you don’t know Harry’s writing, he’s the author of the acclaimed but tragically not best-selling Twenty Palaces urban fantasy novels, as well as the forthcoming pulp novel KING KHAN from Spirit of the Century/Evil Hat. There’s a lot of hyperbole in cover quotes, but when I offered up one for the…

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the essential kit

Herein lies a rant.

Look, I don’t know why it is that I get bent out of shape more easily over injustices in comicbookland than in sffland, but I pretty much do. I’ve certainly identified myself as a SFF reader longer (although by only half a decade or so, probably), but somehow comics tend to hit me right in the outrage. Here is today’s link hitting me in the outrage. The short version is that it’s Mark Millar (whom I have met and who is *insanely* charming in person), Todd McFarlane, Len Wein (the…

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the essential kit

oh god, the thinks to do

– get superman stuff at lidl – get marshmallow fluff at aldi – get stir fry stuff – decide what color to paint young indy’s room get paint – see what kind of inoffensive small carpet can be had for cheap – call about a shed – pack up my office – and the RPGs upstairs – die in a pit also – do more laundry In completely unrelated news, yesterday I muttered “take a chance. old races. inheritors’ cycle. #ThingsIAmNotKickstarting #CommaDammit” on Twitter and Fred, who is an enabler,…

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the essential kit

things! all the things!

I’m having one of those days where I’ve got a bunch of things bubbling away and none of them are ready to talk about and so what I’m left with is just wanting to seize people and say “I KNOW SUCH COOL PEOPLE OMG LOOK AT THEM, THEY’RE SO COOL!” because I can’t be more specific. Except in a few cases I can. For example: my long-time friend Ellen Million’s coloring book for so-called-grown-ups Kickstarter is heading into its last week and only needs about another $1K to make 10x…

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the essential kit

Dear Brain,

Dear Brain: Please stop suggesting Kickstarters I could do. The list is already longer than my arm, I do still have a book under contract and two more verbally contracted, plus a bunch of short stories to write for people. I also have to, at some point, actually write new proposals for my editors. I’m just sayin’. Love, Me.