Release Day: Koalafied for Love!

My latest paranormal romance, KOALAFIED FOR LOVE, is available now! I just need you all to know my son is responsible for this particular title, and once I had it, I obviously had to write a story about a koalafied accountant who falls in love when he comes to my lil’ shifter town of Virtue. :D Koala shifter Oliver Campbell has spent most of his life working hard at embracing calm, because koalas are anything but: his koala would fight an armchair, given the chance…or a gorilla, for that matter.…

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Milford writing retreat

I was afforded the unexpected opportunity to go on a writing retreat in mid-May. It was a great success, but I have to start by telling you about the first time I went on this retreat, in 2019, which MIGHT have been the first year this retreat was held. That week, I wrote 41,000 words. Which is a lot. In fact, it’s enough that they said “we’re now going to use ‘murphy’ as our unit of measurement for this retreat forever,” which I thought they were joking about, except it…

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2016 in under the wire

A couple days ago my writer friend Tim Pratt said he couldn’t do his year-end round-up of what he’d written yet because he might still get that last short story finished. I was working on a comic script and felt similarly. I managed to get the script done, in fact, just now. It’s for my artist nephew whose birthday is tomorrow, and I genuinely don’t know if he’ll draw it, but I promised him I’d write him something and now I have, so mission accomplished. I got a huge amount…

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2016 Round-Up

2016 in review is a work related round-up, because it’s been an absolutely awful year personally. The other day somebody sent around a “some good things must have happened at least on a personal level in 2016, please post them!” and I honestly couldn’t think of anything actively good enough to stand out. So, this year in publication review: startingly good, actually. I had 5 books come out, including the graphic novel of TAKE A CHANCE, which we’ve all been waiting for forever. :) To wit: MAGIC & MANNERS An…

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Launch Day: RAVEN HEART!

I’m completely delighted to announce that my so-fun-to-write little billionaire shapeshifter novella RAVEN HEART launches into the big brave world today! RAVEN HEART on Amazon! RAVEN HEART on Barnes & Noble (Nook)! RAVEN HEART on iTunes! RAVEN HEART on Kobo! A curvy woman determined to protect her town, a raven shifter protector with secrets to keep, and a beast out for his own profit add up to an action-packed romance! Curvy political activist Elena Peratrovitch has only one passion: keeping her small Alaskan town of Shkalnik free of business developments…

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