magic & manners under the wire

I forgot to post the 12th chapter of MAGIC & MANNERS at the Patreon page on Wednesday! Or at least, I forgot on Wednesday my time, BUT IT IS STILL WEDNESDAY IN ALASKA AND HAWAII SO I HAVE MADE IT WHEW For those still considering the Patreon campaign (or, I admit, not considering it; that’s okay too), the first 6 chapters of MAGIC & MANNERS are now available to read for free! Honestly, if I had about a 3 week solid run on this book I’m pretty sure I’d just…

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Recent Reads: The Poor Relation

I accidentally blew through MC Beaton‘s entire Poor Relation series in the last two days. Three days. Since Monday, anyway. It should be no secret by now that I like Beaton (aka Marion Chesney)’s writing, but the truth is that I like her Regencies even more than her Agatha Raisin or Hamish Macbeth books (though I’ve only read one of the Hamish books, I think. I need to read more of them.). They’re just delightful stories, quick-paced, clever, funny, and with characters I care about. This particular series is about…

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Turned out the Morganville Vampires books reached the end of a story arc with book 6, so I didn’t have to read 15 books this weekend. :) Whew! Seriously, though, the books are a lot of fun, and if you haven’t read them, I feel you ought to go right ahead and get books 1-6 so you can gulp down the first story arc all at once. I’m gonna have to check with Rachel to find out where the next story arc ends or to see if I have to…

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Recent Reads: Morganville Vampires

I appear to be determined to binge-read Rachel Caine‘s entire Morganville Vampires series (15 books) this weekend. I’m on my 5th one since Thursday and have read 2 in their entirety today. Or possibly 3. I’ve lost count. This whole instant download of the e-books thing is terribly dangerous, and what’s even worse is that Caine does not wrap her books up, she just stops in mid-scene, leaving the reader to go “AAAAAAAAAAAAGH” and reach for the next one immediately. And worse than THAT is the formatting for these particular…

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so. very. busy.

It has been a very, very busy several days. A very EXCITING several days, from Young Indiana’s point of view. Friday he got to go hang out with his cousins for a few hours. Saturday his Nana and Papa arrived. Sunday was his birthday (“NOW I am four years old, Mama!”) and the whole fam damily was over, which is *excrutiatingly* exciting. Today he has still not gotten over the excitement of Nana and Papa’s arrival and is pretty well beside himself. Ted is off work for NINE WHOLE DAYS.…

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