Recent Reads: Lust for Life

LUST FOR LIFE is the fourth & final book in Jeri Smith-Ready’s WVMP Vampire Radio series. I have a conflicted relationship with these books; something happened in the 3rd book that I really did not want to happen, but I read the interstitial novella and book 4 because I wanted to see if Jeri (who is a friend of mine) did the only thing with the end of the series that I felt would justify the thing I really didn’t like. The answer is that she sort of did, which…

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& it’s off!

STONE’S THROE is off to Evil Hat, which means, barring edits on it and SHAMAN RISES (which are due Monday) I’m out of contract. Normally this would be a terrifying time in a writer’s career, but I’ve got some irons in the fire; my Guildmaster Saga, the YA novels I’ve been working on, are being shopped around, and I’m looking at Patreon to do a MAGIC & MANNERS crowdfund. So those are cool things, and we’ll see how they go. Everything else is longer term (like, y’know, stuff I’m planning…

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The Summer Tree, Guy Gavriel Kay

GGK Book Club: THE SUMMER TREE, ch 5-8

Guys, I have totally not re-read the next four chapters. #embarrassed to death However, just because I haven’t re-read them lately is no reason for other people to have to wait on discussing them, so I’m going to open up the comments (ideally on the site) for discussion for those of you who ARE keeping up. Spoil away, since I have, after all, *read* them, if not for some time. :) I should, I hope, be back on track next week, but I’m doing revisions on a book that’s…

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commissioned short stories!

I have a burst of short story writing coming up, stuff I’ve owed people for some time, and along with it there’s a distinct possiblity I’m going to be offering up to five commissioned short stories for a fundraising campaign my sister will be running soon. These stories will be about 3000-5000 words and can, within reason, be anything the patron wants: I’ll write in any of my established universes (albeit nothing with Walker Papers spoilers), or I’ll write something new; retold fairy tales, a story about your cat’s super…

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Magic & Manners crowdfund

I mentioned this on various social media yesterday, but I’m still thinking about it now, so I’ll post here with more thought and detail. I’m enormously enjoying writing MAGIC & MANNERS, my Pride-and-Prejudice-with-magic pastiche, and I’ve been contemplating what to do with it. I’d like to keep going, but being a writer, I’d also like to get paid for my words (crazy, I know!). I’m also particularly enjoying the whole no-particular-deadline aspect, which means I don’t know that I want to sell it traditionally right now, or even do a…

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