next year’s reading: a GGK project

So I’ve noticed that RIVER OF STARS, which I haven’t yet gotten around to reading, is Guy Gavriel Kay’s 12th book. I’m thinking of doing a GGK retrospective next year and read a GGK book a month, in order of publication, so I thought I’d mention it in case anybody else wants to read along too. Of course, realistically this means I’ll read the Fionavar Tapestry all at once and the, uh, whicherfligger Mosaic all at once too, so it’s more like 9 months of books rather than 12, but…

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Recent Reads: ElfQuest: The Original Quest

Well, having read TFQ’s prologue I went back and re-read the entire Original Quest, which was kind of fascinating, really. And since I’m going to talk about the entire OQ I’ll just put this behind a cut and spare the uninterested. :)

Recent Reads: ElfQuest: The Final Quest: Issue 1

I don’t promise I won’t do one of these for every issue, so you should probably be glad that it’s not a monthly title. OTOH, it’s the first time in a loooong time that I’m really impatient for the *next comic*, so hurrah and huzzah! So this is a 60 page prologue and it’s…wow. A lot happens in it. A *lot* happens, and I’m torn about…it’s well done. I mean, given how much they were trying to do, it’s well done. And to give them props, in 60 pages they…

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Recent Reads: CAST IN SORROW

Michelle Sagara/‘s Chronicles of Elantra, more widely referred to as the Cast novels, has been an on-going favorite of mine since they launched several years ago. They’re the stories of the perpetually hungry, perpetually broke Kaylin Neya, a police officer (more or less) beleaguered by magic markings that make her life much, much more complicated than she would like it to be. There are a number of excellent supporting characters, ranging from one who happens to hit all my my favorite character trope types to an intensely quiet, complex love…

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Infinity Key Kickstarter!

If you’ll recall, a couple of years ago I wrote a delighted and relieved report regarding my friend Chrysoula Tzavelas‘s first book, MATCHBOX GIRLS, which I really loved. Her second book, INFINITY KEY, also out from the small press that did Matchbox Girls, has just launched its Kickstarter for the print edition. I read INFINITY KEY a couple of weeks ago and, this time, expected a terrific book rather than going in with the trepidation of reading a friend’s novel and hoping it would be good. And I was rewarded…

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