To Be Read Shelf, 2017

I’m pretty sure I’ve gone over to the dark side. I’m looking at my TBR shelf and thinking “the only way I’m going to read half of these is if I get the ebook.” My last…several…book purchases have been e-books, with the exception of one that’s on its way that wasn’t available to me in e-book (and which I have the first book in print and signed), and I’ve replaced a few with e-books at this point. And there are several more on this list that, realistically, if I’m gonna…

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Recent Reads: The Tiger & the Wolf

I *have* others of Adrian Tchaikovsky‘s books (one may even be signed), but I hadn’t gotten around to reading any of them because my TBR shelf is a disaster, and then the book club I nominally go to here was reading THE TIGER & THE WOLF so I got it and started it and no that’s not true I played it cagey, ladies and gentlemen. I used the preview option on my Kobo and got THAT, and it suggested I had like 80 pages of preview to read and I…

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Recent Reads: The Lescari Revolution

I read the first of Juliet E McKenna‘s Lescari Revolution trilogy several years ago, and really enjoyed it. Then life happened and it took me a while to pick up the second book, at which point I thought, “God, I don’t remember this at all, I don’t remember how we got here or anything,” and read a couple chapters and thought, “No, this is just too unfamiliar, I need to read the…second…book,” as it turned out. I’d picked up the third accidentally. *laughs* Anyway, by then it was all confused…

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2016 in under the wire

A couple days ago my writer friend Tim Pratt said he couldn’t do his year-end round-up of what he’d written yet because he might still get that last short story finished. I was working on a comic script and felt similarly. I managed to get the script done, in fact, just now. It’s for my artist nephew whose birthday is tomorrow, and I genuinely don’t know if he’ll draw it, but I promised him I’d write him something and now I have, so mission accomplished. I got a huge amount…

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Recent Reads: Desdaemona

The only thing worse than having dozens of unread books on your shelf is when half of them are by people you’re friends with so you have the additional guilt of being TERRIBLY BEHIND on friends’ books. The only thing better than reading books that have been on the TBR shelf for years is reading one by a friend and it turns out to be WONDERFUL. DESDAEMONA is one such book, written by– –ah, see, now, this is where it gets meta. :) Ben Macallan is the main character of…

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