I’m doing copy edits, which is the least fun part of anything, on SHAMAN RISES. They’re actually very light this time; the only real issue is that the copy editor and I have a violent disagreement over the Oxford comma (I am pro; she is con). Anyway, so I was reading along and suddenly something TOTALLY UNEXPECTED happened in the book! And then something else TOTALLY UNEXPECTED happened! And–it kept happening! I had completely forgotten all of the revisions that I’d done last summer, and I was sitting there reading…
Category: Writing
& it’s off!
STONE’S THROE is off to Evil Hat, which means, barring edits on it and SHAMAN RISES (which are due Monday) I’m out of contract. Normally this would be a terrifying time in a writer’s career, but I’ve got some irons in the fire; my Guildmaster Saga, the YA novels I’ve been working on, are being shopped around, and I’m looking at Patreon to do a MAGIC & MANNERS crowdfund. So those are cool things, and we’ll see how they go. Everything else is longer term (like, y’know, stuff I’m planning…
boom: it’s a draft
Ten days and 35K later, STONE’S THROE can be called a draft. It’s a god-awful mess and needs serious revision, but the draft is done and the rest can be fixed. By Wednesday. @.@ Actually, there are parts of the book I’m happy with, and it came in at the wordcount I was aiming for, so I’m okay with that. And, er, I actually find that having finished it, I’m kind of hoping for the chance to write The Further Adventures of Amelia Stone, so I guess we’ll just have…
a quoteable morning
It’s been a pretty quoteable morning around here. First my son and I were playing superheroes and he said to me, “Who is in that Iron Man armor?” I said, “Tony Stark, and he, quite reasonably, wanted to know who Tony Stark was. I said, “A philanthropist playboy billionaire genius.” Young Indiana said, “Like me?” Just like you, honey. Just like you. <3 :) Then over on Twitter, Alastair Reynolds (@AquilaRift), whom I like a lot as both a writer and a person, said, for some reason, that he won…
OMG, it’s Petite!
Wrong color, but O.M.G: 1969 Boss 302 found in a barn after 40 years of sitting idle. I can’t run a Kickstarter that fast, can I? I’ll pay you back if I win the lotto, I swear…!