a useless 3K

I wrote 3K on STONE’S THROE today. It’s basically entirely the wrong 3K, for reasons rather beautifully detailed here, by Jennifer Crusie. I’m basically writing until I get to the start of the story, at which point– Well, if I’m lucky, at that point I’ll be able to work the backstory in as short flashback chapters, because the two stories ought to resonate with each other rather than being “Hi, here’s Story #1, there, now that’s over with and here’s Story #2.” I am, however, a pretty linear writer most…

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calendars & stuff

First, I remind folk that the CE Murphy 2014 photographic calendar is available and currently 20% off with the discount code 48HOURSDEALS. I remind you of this mostly so I’ll remember to order some myself for gifts, but hey, if I’m reminding me I might as well remind everybody. :) Second, I have finally turned in a synopsis for a book that is over a year late. I have never been this late on anything and am mortified, but the synopsis is a lot of fun and if I can…

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a reader poll

This is a general post, but specifically aimed at people who don’t necessarily read fantasy books as a first choice (I know, I know, in my friends, that’s a self-selecting group, but bear with me): My publishers are looking for what we’ll call “mainstream fantasy”, or books that will appeal to the occasional, rather than the regular, fantasy reader. They’ve cited THE HUNGER GAMES and HARRY POTTER as examples (both of which are problematic, IMHO, as they’re young adult books rather than aimed at the adult market, but we’ll overlook…

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evil vs pratical

Amazon may be an evil empire, but man, the check I receive from them every month sure helps smooth things along. It makes me desperate to do another self-pub project just to add a little to that kitty. In, you know, my copious free time. *sigh* I haven’t had time this year to work on my contracted projects, nevermind a freelance thing. (This is unfortunately pretty literally true. It’s been my worst writing year ever since I became a professional and the worst one in memory since I began writing…

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periscope up!

For a minute, anyway. I have written a glorious 3K words over the past 2 days, largely thanks to Michelle (and today Mika!) showing up in the war room at god-awful hours for them (well, not so bad for Mika) so that I have real focus and incentive to get in there the moment Young Indiana goes to preschool and get myself writing. #swoons I’d have gotten more done, probably, except yesterday I started a new manuscript, put the file together, then had the vague sense that maybe I’d done…

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