strawberry rhubarb deliciousness

Iiiiiii have made an aaaaaaamaaaaaaazing batch of strawberry rhubarb jam. Ted, who likes zingy strawberry/rhubarb jam, thought there wasn’t enough rhubarb in mine generally, so I did half and half instead of favouring the strawberries, and it’s rrrrrrrrrrrrrreeaaaaaaaaaallllly good. I used jam sugar because I didn’t have enough regular sugar, and I thought I might have a little too much s/r for a kilo of jam sugar, which is often soft anyway. So I took what I’ve learned about unripe apples and got one and chopped it up and threw…

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perchance to dream

I dreamed I was trying to deal with our book collections, and found not one, but *two* copies of author Robin McKinley’s (obviously, from 1. the well-read condition of the books, and 2. their (differing) covers) 1980s-era fantasy novel ONCE UPON A TIME, and the fourth, interstitial (it fit between books 1 & 2), book of Pamela C Dean’s Secret Country trilogy. *grabby grabby grabby hands* I would pay good money to go back into that dream and read those two books cover to cover…

much better, thank you

I am, for all of you who have asked, much better today, thank you. Muuuuuuuuuuch better. Apparently I alarmed my poor husband, because he did come home to get Indy from school, and when he arrived home I was sleeping on the couch and he couldn’t remember the last time I was sick enough to give up trying to push through and just went to sleep on the couch. Evidently he went back to work and told people I’d been sleeping on the couch and they said “so?” and he…

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i has a sick.

I’ve had a cold sneaking up on me the past couple days, but today it decided to land with both feet. I feel tired and faintly ill if I’m holding still, but if I move at all I cough. Climbing the stairs requires a ten minute sit-down to recover. I’ve spent a lot of time lying on the couch today. :} I was so wrecked from bringing Indy to school that I asked Ted to come home from work long enough to *get* him from school. And that was after…

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vacuum triumph

In a stunning route, I have triumphed over the vacuum, which wasn’t sucking anything up. I’d taken the whole goddamn thing apart trying to find the problem, and yesterday discovered a section I hadn’t known CAME apart. Inside it was an 8″ clog of solid dust that I clawed out with chopsticks. The vacuum worked a lot better after that. I have vacuumed the whole downstairs, which looks a great deal better. #triumph I also have the first cold of the school year, which is less of a triumph, but…

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