I’ve watched the Jessica Jones trailer, which is not particularly usual for me, and I’m profoundly torn on it. On one hand, FINALLY we get a female-led superhero story. Jessica Jones is a good character, long varied comic book history, popular following, etc: all of that is good. Like every character who’s had a showcase of (up until now, his) own, the Jessica Jones trailer has clearly got its own vibe: it’s pretty horror-movie-feeling, which isn’t a direction any of the others have gone. So that’s all to the good.…
Category: X-Men
Picoreview: Days of Future Past: The Rogue Cut
Picoreview: Days of Future Past: The Rogue Cut: very disappointing. There were enough longer scenes and stuff that it was clear we weren’t watching the theatre release, but we were expecting something called The Rogue Cut to, y’know, I don’t know, heavily feature Rogue, or something. And it did, sure, more than the original, but ultimately Rogue did nothing more than what Kitty did in the theatre release, with every hope of payoff just…ffffsshhht. Washed away. Spoilers ho.
Downton X-Men
Not that I need anything else to do in my Copious Free Time, but last night I wasn’t even thinking about my Downton Abbey/X-Men mashup (did I mention that? the other day I had an X-Men/Downton Abbey dream and thought, damn, that could work. WWI-era superheroes, that is, more than actually fitting Downton Abbey to the X-Men (which could also work but I don’t see getting to do that any time soon :)) and I realised I could use that world to do Evil Hat Fred’s “World War G” idea,…
Picoreview: Days of Future Past
Picoreview: Days of Future Past: YAY There was not a moment of completely suspended disbelief the way Nightcrawler’s opening scene in X2 took me in, but that was a thoroughly enjoyable film and had a moment *almost* that good. I want to see it again! Spoilers right through the end of the movie behind the cut, so don’t click through if you don’t wanna know. :)
a brief radio silence
For once I was actually prepared to post things and was thwarted by WordPress, for some reason, deciding not to let me in to my blog for two days. *shakes a tiny fist* :) One of the things I was going to post was the next chapter of MAGIC & MANNERS, but because I couldn’t let people know here that it was going up, I didn’t, and now I feel that it’s past my appropriate window of opportunity, so the next chapter for Patreons will go up next week. :)…