I did do some pilates this morning. Not even pilates. Pre-beginners pilates. Pilates For People Who Are Too Out Of Shape To Do Pilates Or Anything Else For That Matter. Worse, I only did one round, and you’re supposed to do two. I am pathetic. And the office floor needs vacuuming.
Category: Sugar Wars
Sugar Wars: Wagon? What Wagon?
After closing out my 30 day run at this, I didn’t so much fall off the wagon as take a long low running dive and strike out away from the wagon as hard as I possibly could. I even stopped counting calories. There has been a distinct To Hell With It All vibe, and I’ve been Just Fine with that. Today, however, marks the start of another go at this, with a 6-week run ahead of me instead of 30 days. I don’t know quite how I’ll handle this go.…