Today was a Day Out, with all that entails, which mostly means it’s goddamn near impossible to count calories. We went out for lunch AND dinner, and I’m pretty sure the number of calories ingested is All Of Them, which, sadly, my calorie tracker does not have an option for. I made a weak stab at counting them by wild generalization, but I’m pretty sure that even 15 falafels does not cover the caloric intake of this evening. (I didn’t eat 15 falafels. I ate one. And one of a…
Category: Food
Sugar Wars: Day 5
Today was the first day I would have murdered for cookies. Partly to eat, partly to make, since I find baking soothing. But I didn’t make any and I didn’t eat any and I’m mildly grumpy about it but I suppose I’m also morally superior, or something. Yeah, that’s all I got tonight. Over & out.
Sugar Wars: Day 4
I mean, as threatened, I had that hot chocolate today, but it was kind of like my lunch, so, IDK, that counts for something, right? I don’t know what it counts for, but something. The truth is I might have one on Saturday too, since I’ll be near the hot chocolate shop again, but aside from those liquid indiscretions, still going just fine. We’ll see how things go next week when I won’t be in Dublin as often and there’ll be less hot chocolate opportunity, but y’know, so far so…
Sugar Wars: Day 3
It’s amazing how my caloric intake drops like a rock when I stop eating cake/cookies/ice cream/etc. Not unrelatedly, I’m hungry. That’s about all I got tonight. Either yesterday’s hot chocolate offset the OMFG I NEED SUGAR cravings and tomorrow will be hell, or this is going pretty well. And really, tomorrow is my Day In Dublin, and the odds of having another hot chocolate are, shall we say, Extremely High, so I’m either weaning myself off or purposefully torturing myself; your call. Anyway, either way, so far, not suffering much.…
Sugar Wars, Day 2
I had both a Sprite and a hot chocolate today, both of which I can fudge as being Not *Food*, but rather *Drink*, but we all know I’m really bending the spirit of the law until it’s sprained, there. I did, however, get my 10K steps in, and kept a calorie count for the second day in a row, so I’m calling it a win and going onward.