blackberries, crumbled and plucked

I was faffing around on Saturday trying to convince myself to get my act together enough to Make The Apple Pie, and mumbled, “Or maybe I could just make a blackberry apple crumble, that’d be easier,” in the vicinity of our guest, who said, “I didn’t know that was an option!!!”, thus indicating I should do that. :) I poked around the internet and couldn’t find a recipe I really liked, so I kind of invented one. It went like this: Kit’s Blackberry-Apple Crumble 1 oz butter 1 oz sugar…

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Kitsnacks: Blackberry Jam

I’ve been going out and getting nettle-stung in search of the wild blackberries that are growing in our garden. (Nettles offend me mightily. Plants do not try to kill you in the land of my people, at least, nothing but Devil’s Club, and Devil’s Club looks like it wants to kill you from forty feet away.) Anyway, I’m apparently too easily taunted by blackberries and when I see them I feel obliged to get them immediately instead of preparing myself sufficiently against the nettles, so it’s this kind of adversarial…

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Kitsnacks: Lemon Curd

You would think I would know by now not to post “I made this” food stuff without also posting the recipe. :) Someone asked, so here’s my recipe: Lemon Curd 2 egg yolks 2 whole eggs 3 oz (6 tbs) butter, room temperature 1 to 1.5 cups sugar the juice of 3 lemons (1/2 to 3/4ths cups lemon juice, depending on the size of the lemons; adjust sugar accordingly) Cream butter & sugar until fluffy. Add eggs & egg yolks & mix again. Slowly add lemon juice. The mixture will…

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Kitsnacks: Easy Tikka Masala

I have semi-invented an easy tikka masala recipe, which is what happens when I have a recipe I’ve made before but discover I’m missing many of the actually-called-for ingredients. This one ends up having what I trust most people have in their pantries, which is why it’s ideal. :) Easy Tikka Masala 1-2 oz butter or vegetable oil 1 tbsp garlic powder 2 tsp ground cumin 2 tsp paprika 1/2-1 tsp chili powder 1/2 tsp salt pepper to taste 1 can chopped tomatoes 1 can chickpeas 1 fresh tomato, rough…

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O.M.G. I sent my friend Marc some fudge in December because, er, well, frankly, he made it easy by just posting his address on one of the pictures of fudge I’d posted, and it amused me, so, fudge. I just got the same container back in the mail, except now it was filled with Marc’s baklava. Let me explain this to you: Marc’s baklava is to regular baklava what my fudge is to regular fudge. I got the package and was all like “Oh huh, mail from Marc, maybe he…

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